Dr. Kostiantyn Kryvopust

Dr. Kostiantyn Kryvopust

Dr. Kostiantyn Kryvopust  (born 1983 in Ukraine) is an businessman, lawyer and philanthropist. Kostiantyn is the founder of Dr.Kryvopust es Tarsa Consulting. (Law Office), a international law firm.

Before to law business, Kostiantyn studied and received a law degree and a Ph.D. After study, he worked was a managing partner in a law firm (INTERNATIONAL LAW OFFICE LEGAL PARTNER LLClegal-partner.org).Simultaneously with his work in a law firm, Kostiantyn received the status of a advocate and a permanent member of the (National Bar Association of Ukraineunba.org.ua) and the (Union internationale des avocatesuianet.org/fr).


  • Early life
  • Educational level
  • Legal career
  • Professional competences
  • Business interests areas
  • Personal page on the network
  • Author and writing
  • Personal life
  • Creed
  • Hobbies
  • Political views
  • Awards
  • Charitable activity
  • Reference

Early life

Kostiantyn was born into an ordinary family. His father Viktor Kryvopust worked as a builder, and his mother Vera Kryvopust was a veterinarian.

Educational level

Higher legal and economic education. Current degree of Doctor of Philosophical Sciences

After study, he worked was a managing partner in a law firm (INTERNATIONAL LAW OFFICE LEGAL PARTNER LLClegal-partner.org).Simultaneously with his work in a law firm, Kostiantyn received the status of a advocate and a permanent member of the (National Bar Association of Ukraineunba.org.ua) and the (Union internationale des avocatesuianet.org/fr).

In addition, Kostiantyn is the founder of legal company: (Dr.Kryvopust es Tarsa Consulting. (Law Office)[1]kryvopust.com)

Professional competences

– legal consulting;

– management consulting;

– financial consulting;

– tax consulting;

– investment consulting

Business interests areas

– Commercial brokerage;

– International trade (import/export);

– International time-charter operator;

– Fintech (financial technologies);

– Consulting (legal, financial).

Personal page on the network


Author and writing

Kostiantyn regularly publishes his articles in various newspapers and magazines, including The Economic News[2], The Forum[3], The Zaxid Media[4], The NewsUA [5].

Personal life

Married. Raises five children (three sons and two daughters)


Christian (Orthodox)


Religion, philosophy, history, sports

Political views

Supporter of democratic views


In 2009, Kostiantyn became the winner of the competition of the Kiev City Administration in the nomination “Young Entrepreneur of the Year [6]; In 2021, the international rating organization “Cabinet Boss. TOP – 50” named Kostiantyn the winner in the nomination “International Law Expert” [7]

Charitable activity

The founder of the “Montessori” kindergarten, which is based on the newest principleparenting;
Assistance in financing volunteer projects;
Funding of the reconstruction of the children’s department in DKL No. 1 in Kyiv with the participation of the ambassador’s wife Great Britain in Ukraine


  1. ^ https://www.nemzeticegtar.hu/drkryvopust-es-tarsa-consulting-magyarorszagi-kozvetlen-kereskedelmi-kepviselet-c0112074245.html
  2. ^ https://enovosty.com/society/full/1704-konstantin-krivopust-epidemiya-zavershitsya-ne-togda-kogda-uluchshitsya-medicinskaya-statistika-a-kogda-obshhestvo-osmyslit-i-implementiruet-novye-normy
  3. ^ https://for-ua.com/article/1219375
  4. ^ https://zaxid.news/post702419
  5. ^ https://newsua.biz/economics/v-2020-godu-sleduet-ozhidat-rosta-ukrainskogo-eksporta-v-es-ekspert/
  6. ^ http://kreschatic.kiev.ua/ua/3303/news/1251472189.html
  7. ^ https://jetsetter.ua/event/tseremoniya-nagorodzhennya-cabinet-boss-u-fairmont-grand-hotel/
  8. https://news.ternopil.ua/post702419
  9. https://ua2day.net/ua/kostyantyn-kryvopust-sudno-z-turechchyny-vpershe-z-pochatku-vijnyprybulo-do-ukrayiny/
  10. https://ukranews.com/ua/news/752181-advokat-kostyantyn-kryvopust-lyudy-nezadovoleni-nekarantynnymy-zahodamy-a-nelogichnistyu-ta
  11. https://www.ukrinform.ru/rubric-presshall/2881180-zakonodatelnye-iniciativy-primeneniapoligrafa-v-protivodejstvii-korrupcii.htm

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